The Loss Foundation specialises in bereavement support for those who have lost a loved one to cancer. They offer free grief therapy groups tailored specifically to support those coping with bereavement and their services focus exclusively on the unique needs of those...
Children, young people & families
There is a wide range of mental health and wellbeing support available for children, young people and families in the county as well as nationally. We have listed a wide range of services below and there are more in other sections of the site such as eating disorders, sexual health, support for carers, LGBTQI+ and more.
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) provides specialist NHS mental health services for children and young people (and their families and carers) who are experiencing moderate to severe mental health difficulties. Fore information about the services can be found at:
There’s also a range of support available locally that you can access yourself without going through a GP or teacher.
On Your Mind Gloucestershire (OYMG) is an NHS website which signposts to information and support for young people in the county about bullying, eating disorders and anxiety and much more including how to self-refer to NHS mental health and counselling services. Find out more at:
Young Gloucestershire (YG) is a countywide charity that supports young people who are facing very difficult times; whether it be a disruptive home life, caring for a family member, coping with a mental health issue or substance abuse:
Tic+ If you are aged between aged 9-21 and living in the county, Tic+ might be able to help you cope with stress as Counsellor Kerry Boorman explains here:
Tic+ is a Gloucestershire-based charity which provides confidential counselling, support and care for young people and their families.
Last year, over 2,000 young people used their counselling services to help them cope with issues such as depression, anxiety, bereavement, bullying, anger, relationship problems, low self-esteem and self-harm.
For more information visit: or call: 01594 372777.
Tic+chat is an anonymous, safe, confidential 1-2-1 live message chat support service for young people aged 9-21 living in the county open Sunday – Thursday 5pm – 9pm at standard network local rate accessed via their web page or by calling: 0300 303 8080.
Tic+ Parent and Carer Support including support groups, family counselling information and online chat service is available on their website or by calling: 0800 625675
Alternatively, take a look at the range of support listed below:
Local Listings
JIGSAW Thornbury
JIGSAW Thornbury is a charity that works with children and young people aged 0-25 with additional needs or disabilities, and their families in Gloucestershire and BANES by running support groups, events, activities and youth groups. Find out more:...
SHARE Young People’s Counselling Service
SHARE Young People's Counselling Service is registered charity and is a free, volunteer run, counselling service in Cheltenham. They provide counselling for young people between 11-25 years of age by text, WhatsApp, email or face-to face. To find out more, visit:...
GlosFamilies Directory
GlosFamilies Directory is an online resource provided by Gloucestershire County Council providing information for families and practitioners on Relationship Support for Parents, Family Support, Advice and Early Help Services, Childcare, Education, Young People, Things...
Your Circle
Your Circle is a directory to help you find your way around care and support and connect with people, places and activities in Gloucestershire. The website is run by Gloucestershire County Council with information, advice and support to help you, or someone you look...
Community Hubs and Social Groups
There are a number of community and social groups that meet regularly in local areas across the county. Find out what’s going on in your area or choose from a range of categories to find out more: has developed a guide for students managing anxiety when in university halls of residence. They cover important topics, such as: • Understanding and embracing anxiety triggers • Coping techniques and preparing for life in halls • How to deal with...
Beezee Maximus
BZ Bodies is commissioned by Gloucestershire County Council to provide free support for Gloucestershire families to make healthy changes to their lifestyle. They provide support for children and young people aged 5-17 years old and their families living in...
National Male Support Service – SurvivorsUK
SurvivorsUK support men, boys, trans and nonbinary survivors of sexual violence. They offer one to one counselling, ISVA services, and an online helpline.
Safeline’s National Male Survivor Helpline is a dedicated service for men and boys in England and Wales affected by rape or sexual abuse and those that support them such as friends and family.
Future Me Gloucestershire
Future Me Gloucestershire is for young people, about young people and by young people and aim to represent and connect with other young people so they can share their views and experiences of growing up in this county.
Dad Matters
Dad Matters is part of Home-Start Gloucestershire and provides support for dads with children under 3, including antenatal groups and perinatal mental health support groups.
Mothers in Mind
Mothers in Mind is a peer support drop in group for mums struggling with their mental health and is part of Home-Start Gloucestershire.
Home-Start Gloucestershire
Home-Start Gloucestershire provides early support to families who are facing the challenges and stresses of family life, including a wide range of difficulties such as isolation, low self-esteem, physical and mental health issues.
Gloucestershire Young Carers
Gloucestershire Young Carers provides services for children and young people, from 8-24 years, who help to care for someone.
Crossroads Gloucestershire
Crossroads Gloucestershire is a charity based in the Forest of Dean which provides practical help, support and social opportunities to carers and those they care for across all ages and disabilities.
Gloucestershire Police
Gloucestershire Constabulary’s (police) website provides a range of advice and resources on where to get help, how to report crimes and tips and advice.
National Stalking Helpline
The National Stalking Helpline gives practical information, support, advocacy and advice on risk, safety planning and legislation to victims of stalking, their friends, family, and professionals working with victims.
Crimestoppers is an independent charity that aims to give people the power to speak up and stop crime anonymously.
Stroud Women’s Refuge
Stroud Women’s Refuge is a charity offering accommodation and support services to women and their children who have been affected by domestic abuse.
Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre
Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre provides support and advice and aims to increase understanding and recognition of sexual violence through education and public awareness. T
Beat Eating Disorders
Beat Eating Disorders is a national charity which provides an eating disorder helpline to help encourage and empower people to get help quickly, because the sooner someone starts treatment, the greater their chance of recovery.
Gloucestershire Eating Disorders Service
The Eating Disorders Service Community Team is the first point of contact for anyone needing professional support in the county.
National Autistic Society
National Autistic Society provides advice and support for people with autism and their families.
Specialist Wellbeing Support phoneline for health and care workers
Black Thrive
Black Thrive is an organisation that aims to end the stigma associated with mental health and address mental health inequalities experienced by Lambeth’s Black communities.
Mind is a mental health support charity and offers a way of finding out what’s available in your area, such as specific BAME groups.
Advice, tips and tools to make the best choices about your health and wellbeing to help you feel mentally and emotionally better.
Run things
Run things is a not-for profit virtual running club that focuses on fighting isolation and social anxiety among users.
Every Mind Matters
Simple and practical advice to get a healthier mind and get more out of life – from how to deal with stress and anxiety, to boosting your mood or sleeping better.
Social Prescribing
Improving the quality of life of individuals and increase their knowledge, skills and confidence to enable them to take control of their wellbeing, live independently and improve their health outcomes.
Mencap is a national charity which provides advice and support for people with a learning disability and their families
Inclusion Gloucestershire
Inclusion Gloucestershire is a user-led self-advocacy organisation for people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, autism or mental ill health.
Gloucestershire Community Learning Disability Team
Specialist health care services for people with learning disabilities.
Scope is the disability equality charity in England and Wales providing practical and emotional support. Their online disability forum is a supportive space for disabled people, parents and carers to get disability advice and information and to talk to people with...
Carer’s Trust
Carers Trust is a charity which works to improve support, services and recognition for carers.
Guideposts Gloucestershire
Guideposts Gloucestershire is a charity that supports people living with long-term conditions, disability or caring responsibilities to improve their mental health and wellbeing.
Gloucestershire Carers Hub
Gloucestershire Carers Hub provides information, advice and guidance for carers, signpost to other services, provide assessments and support planning, support groups and hubs, benefits and finance advice, access to groups, befriending and mentoring as well as counselling and provide a free 24-hour helpline as part of their carers’ emergency scheme.
Cotswold Friends
Cotswold Friends is a local charity which helps and supports older and vulnerable people in the North Cotswolds.
Cheltenham and District Carers and Families
Cheltenham and District Carers and Families (CADCAF) is a charity family support group for parents and carers who are caring for a child or young person with additional needs in Cheltenham and surrounding areas.
Managing Memory Together
Managing Memory Together provides specialist assessment, diagnosis and treatment services to people who are worried about memory as well as providing support to their carers.
National Association for Children of Alcoholics
NACOA is a charity which provides information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent’s drinking.
FRANK is a website and national telephone helpline operated by Public Health England offering honest advice, information and support to anyone concerned about drugs and solvent/volatile substance misuse.
Al-Anon Family Groups
Al-Anon Family Groups provide support for anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else’s drinking.
National Debtline
National Debtline is a charity which provides free and independent debt advice over the phone and online as well as handy resources to help overcome financial pressures.
Coram Voice
Coram Voice is a charity representing children’s rights and supporting children and young people in or leaving care.
POhWER is a charity and membership organisation providing information, advice, support and advocacy to people who experience disability, vulnerability, distress and social exclusion.
Healthwatch Gloucestershire
Healthwatch Gloucestershire is the county’s independent health and social care champion.
Gloucestershire Community Patient Advice and Liaison Service
Gloucestershire Community Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is a confidential service that provides information advice and support for patients, families and carers.
Women’s Aid
Women’s Aid offers information and support on domestic violence including live chat and forums.
The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU)
The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) provides support to victims as well as expert training and guidance to professionals.
The Hideout
The Hideout is a charity-supported website to help provide children and young people with information about domestic violence.
SafeLives is a UK-wide charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse.
Respect Men’s Advice Line
Respect Men’s advice line is a helpline for male victims of domestic abuse offering nonjudgmental emotional support, practical advice and information.
Refuge is a national charity offering a 24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline for women and children.
NSPCC is a national charity working to prevent abuse, help rebuild children’s lives and support families.
Karma Nirvana
Karma Nirvana is a UK human rights charity supporting victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage.
Hope House Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
SARC offers medical care, emotional and psychological support, and practical help and information to anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted or been affected by it.
Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS)
GDASS offers a variety of support programmes for women and men over 16 years old and families who are experiencing domestic abuse.
Gloucestershire Constabulary
Gloucestershire Constabulary provide advice and information on Domestic Abuse, how to report it and links to partner support helplines at:
National Bullying Helpline
National Bullying Helpline is a charitable organisation offering help and support for adults, children and parents struggling with bullying issues.
Kidscape is a national charity which provides children, families, carers and professionals with advice, training and practical tools to prevent bullying and protect young lives.
BullyingUK is a website provided by charity Family Lives and provides advice, resources and support to help people of any age who may be experiencing bullying.
Anti-Bullying Alliance
Anti-Bullying Alliance is a national charity comprising a coalition of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying.
Gloucestershire Counselling Services
Gloucestershire Counselling Services is a charity offering a range of counselling in Gloucestershire and the surrounding area for individuals, couples, children and families, schools and other services.
Switchboard LGBT+
Switchboard LGBT+ provides a one-stop listening service for LGBT+ people on the phone, by email and through instant messaging.
Stonewall provides information and support for LGBT communities and their allies.
Pink Therapy
Pink Therapy has an online directory of therapists who work with people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer or questioning (LGBTIQ), and people who are gender- and sexual-diverse (GSD).
Mermaids helps gender-diverse kids, young people and their families.
LGBT Foundation
The LGBT Foundation is a national charity offering information, advice, and support services, including a Talking Therapies Programme.
Imaan is a charity that supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer or questioning (LGBTQ) Muslims, providing an online forum where people can share experiences and ask for help.
Education Action Challenging Homophobia
Education Action Challenging Homophobia is a charity which provides services to inspire lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans equality.
Parents of Gay and Trans Youth (POGTY)
POGTY is a Gloucestershire support group for parents and carers of young people who are questioning their sexual or gender identity.
Gloscats provides support for the transgender community in Gloucestershire. Find out more here:
GayGlos is a charity which provides support services, education and engagement for Gloucestershire’s LGBTQ+ community.
School Nurses
School Nurses support children and young people aged from 5 to 19 in the community, whether they attend school or not.
Hope House
For information about services available, STI’s, contraception, HIV, pregnancy and sexual assault.
Winston’s Wish
Winston’s Wish is a national childhood bereavement charity which provides practical and emotional support for children, young people and those who care for them after the death of a parent or sibling.
The Compassionate Friends
The Compassionate Friends supports bereaved parents and their families. is a charity which supports young people aged 14-19 impacted by self-harm and provides information and a moderated discussion board where you can ask questions and get support
National Self Harm Network
National Self Harm Network is a national charity offering support, advice and advocacy services to people affected by self-harm directly or in a care role.
Harmless is a sponsored organisation which provides a range of services about self-harm including support, information to people who self-harm, their friends and families.
Cirencester Eating Disorders Self-Help Group
Cirencester Eating Disorders Self-Help Group is part of a network of support groups all over the country coordinated by Beat Eating Disorders.
Stay Alive App
Stay Alive App is a free suicide prevention resource for the UK, from charity Grassroots Suicide Prevention.
Papyrus Prevention of Young Suicide
A national charity which provides confidential support and practical advice for any children and young people under the age of 35 who may be having suicidal thoughts.
YoungMinds Is a national charity for children and young people who need mental health support.
SupportLine is a charity which provides a confidential telephone helpline offering emotional support to any individual on any issue.
Shout is a 24/7 text service, supported by digital mental health charity, Mental Health Innovations.
Samaritans is a charity providing non-judgemental listening support to anyone.
Rethink Mental Illness
Rethink Mental Illness is a charity which offers practical help and information for anyone affected by mental illness
MindEd for Families
Free, practical information to help you to understand your child and support them through whatever they are going through.
Childline is a national free, private and confidential service for children and young people under the age of 19 where you can talk about anything big or small with trained counsellors.
ChatHealth offers support to young people aged between 11 – 19 with questions relating to a wide range of health and wellbeing issues
Young Gloucestershire (YG)
Young Gloucestershire (YG) is a charity that supports young people who are facing very difficult times.
On Your Mind Glos (OMYG)
On Your Mind Glos is a website providing information about to bullying, eating disorders and anxiety and where you can go for more support.
School nurses
School Nurses support children and young people aged from 5 to 19 in the community, whether they attend school or not.
Gloucestershire Recovery in Psychosis Team (GRiP)
An early intervention service for people aged between 14 and 65 who are at risk of, or who is experiencing a first episode of psychosis.
Community Autism Support and Advice (CASA)
For support or more information, call 01452 317 460 and ask for a member of the Autism Team.
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
Previously named CYPS, provides specialist NHS mental health services for children and young people, their families and carers who are experiencing moderate to severe mental health difficulties, from birth to their 18th birthday. Find out more about the...
Child Friendly Gloucestershire
A new initiative which aims to build a brighter future for young people in the county.
National Listings
The Loss Foundation
The Loss Foundation specialises in bereavement support for those who have lost a loved one to cancer. They offer free grief therapy groups tailored specifically to support those coping with bereavement and their services focus exclusively on the unique needs of those...
JIGSAW Thornbury
JIGSAW Thornbury is a charity that works with children and young people aged 0-25 with additional needs or disabilities, and their families in Gloucestershire and BANES by running support groups, events, activities and youth groups. Find out more:...
SHARE Young People’s Counselling Service
SHARE Young People's Counselling Service is registered charity and is a free, volunteer run, counselling service in Cheltenham. They provide counselling for young people between 11-25 years of age by text, WhatsApp, email or face-to face. To find out more, visit:...
GlosFamilies Directory
GlosFamilies Directory is an online resource provided by Gloucestershire County Council providing information for families and practitioners on Relationship Support for Parents, Family Support, Advice and Early Help Services, Childcare, Education, Young People, Things...
Your Circle
Your Circle is a directory to help you find your way around care and support and connect with people, places and activities in Gloucestershire. The website is run by Gloucestershire County Council with information, advice and support to help you, or someone you look...
Community Hubs and Social Groups
There are a number of community and social groups that meet regularly in local areas across the county. Find out what’s going on in your area or choose from a range of categories to find out more: has developed a guide for students managing anxiety when in university halls of residence. They cover important topics, such as: • Understanding and embracing anxiety triggers • Coping techniques and preparing for life in halls • How to deal with...
Beezee Maximus
BZ Bodies is commissioned by Gloucestershire County Council to provide free support for Gloucestershire families to make healthy changes to their lifestyle. They provide support for children and young people aged 5-17 years old and their families living in...
National Male Support Service – SurvivorsUK
SurvivorsUK support men, boys, trans and nonbinary survivors of sexual violence. They offer one to one counselling, ISVA services, and an online helpline.
Safeline’s National Male Survivor Helpline is a dedicated service for men and boys in England and Wales affected by rape or sexual abuse and those that support them such as friends and family.
Future Me Gloucestershire
Future Me Gloucestershire is for young people, about young people and by young people and aim to represent and connect with other young people so they can share their views and experiences of growing up in this county.
Dad Matters
Dad Matters is part of Home-Start Gloucestershire and provides support for dads with children under 3, including antenatal groups and perinatal mental health support groups.
Mothers in Mind
Mothers in Mind is a peer support drop in group for mums struggling with their mental health and is part of Home-Start Gloucestershire.
Home-Start Gloucestershire
Home-Start Gloucestershire provides early support to families who are facing the challenges and stresses of family life, including a wide range of difficulties such as isolation, low self-esteem, physical and mental health issues.
Gloucestershire Young Carers
Gloucestershire Young Carers provides services for children and young people, from 8-24 years, who help to care for someone.
Crossroads Gloucestershire
Crossroads Gloucestershire is a charity based in the Forest of Dean which provides practical help, support and social opportunities to carers and those they care for across all ages and disabilities.
Gloucestershire Police
Gloucestershire Constabulary’s (police) website provides a range of advice and resources on where to get help, how to report crimes and tips and advice.
National Stalking Helpline
The National Stalking Helpline gives practical information, support, advocacy and advice on risk, safety planning and legislation to victims of stalking, their friends, family, and professionals working with victims.
Crimestoppers is an independent charity that aims to give people the power to speak up and stop crime anonymously.
Stroud Women’s Refuge
Stroud Women’s Refuge is a charity offering accommodation and support services to women and their children who have been affected by domestic abuse.
Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre
Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre provides support and advice and aims to increase understanding and recognition of sexual violence through education and public awareness. T
Beat Eating Disorders
Beat Eating Disorders is a national charity which provides an eating disorder helpline to help encourage and empower people to get help quickly, because the sooner someone starts treatment, the greater their chance of recovery.
Gloucestershire Eating Disorders Service
The Eating Disorders Service Community Team is the first point of contact for anyone needing professional support in the county.
National Autistic Society
National Autistic Society provides advice and support for people with autism and their families.
Specialist Wellbeing Support phoneline for health and care workers
Black Thrive
Black Thrive is an organisation that aims to end the stigma associated with mental health and address mental health inequalities experienced by Lambeth’s Black communities.
Mind is a mental health support charity and offers a way of finding out what’s available in your area, such as specific BAME groups.
Advice, tips and tools to make the best choices about your health and wellbeing to help you feel mentally and emotionally better.
Run things
Run things is a not-for profit virtual running club that focuses on fighting isolation and social anxiety among users.
Every Mind Matters
Simple and practical advice to get a healthier mind and get more out of life – from how to deal with stress and anxiety, to boosting your mood or sleeping better.
Social Prescribing
Improving the quality of life of individuals and increase their knowledge, skills and confidence to enable them to take control of their wellbeing, live independently and improve their health outcomes.
Mencap is a national charity which provides advice and support for people with a learning disability and their families
Inclusion Gloucestershire
Inclusion Gloucestershire is a user-led self-advocacy organisation for people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, autism or mental ill health.
Gloucestershire Community Learning Disability Team
Specialist health care services for people with learning disabilities.
Scope is the disability equality charity in England and Wales providing practical and emotional support. Their online disability forum is a supportive space for disabled people, parents and carers to get disability advice and information and to talk to people with...
Carer’s Trust
Carers Trust is a charity which works to improve support, services and recognition for carers.
Guideposts Gloucestershire
Guideposts Gloucestershire is a charity that supports people living with long-term conditions, disability or caring responsibilities to improve their mental health and wellbeing.
Gloucestershire Carers Hub
Gloucestershire Carers Hub provides information, advice and guidance for carers, signpost to other services, provide assessments and support planning, support groups and hubs, benefits and finance advice, access to groups, befriending and mentoring as well as counselling and provide a free 24-hour helpline as part of their carers’ emergency scheme.
Cotswold Friends
Cotswold Friends is a local charity which helps and supports older and vulnerable people in the North Cotswolds.
Cheltenham and District Carers and Families
Cheltenham and District Carers and Families (CADCAF) is a charity family support group for parents and carers who are caring for a child or young person with additional needs in Cheltenham and surrounding areas.
Managing Memory Together
Managing Memory Together provides specialist assessment, diagnosis and treatment services to people who are worried about memory as well as providing support to their carers.
National Association for Children of Alcoholics
NACOA is a charity which provides information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent’s drinking.
FRANK is a website and national telephone helpline operated by Public Health England offering honest advice, information and support to anyone concerned about drugs and solvent/volatile substance misuse.
Al-Anon Family Groups
Al-Anon Family Groups provide support for anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else’s drinking.
National Debtline
National Debtline is a charity which provides free and independent debt advice over the phone and online as well as handy resources to help overcome financial pressures.
Coram Voice
Coram Voice is a charity representing children’s rights and supporting children and young people in or leaving care.
POhWER is a charity and membership organisation providing information, advice, support and advocacy to people who experience disability, vulnerability, distress and social exclusion.
Healthwatch Gloucestershire
Healthwatch Gloucestershire is the county’s independent health and social care champion.
Gloucestershire Community Patient Advice and Liaison Service
Gloucestershire Community Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is a confidential service that provides information advice and support for patients, families and carers.
Women’s Aid
Women’s Aid offers information and support on domestic violence including live chat and forums.
The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU)
The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) provides support to victims as well as expert training and guidance to professionals.
The Hideout
The Hideout is a charity-supported website to help provide children and young people with information about domestic violence.
SafeLives is a UK-wide charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse.
Respect Men’s Advice Line
Respect Men’s advice line is a helpline for male victims of domestic abuse offering nonjudgmental emotional support, practical advice and information.
Refuge is a national charity offering a 24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline for women and children.
NSPCC is a national charity working to prevent abuse, help rebuild children’s lives and support families.
Karma Nirvana
Karma Nirvana is a UK human rights charity supporting victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage.
Hope House Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
SARC offers medical care, emotional and psychological support, and practical help and information to anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted or been affected by it.
Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS)
GDASS offers a variety of support programmes for women and men over 16 years old and families who are experiencing domestic abuse.
Gloucestershire Constabulary
Gloucestershire Constabulary provide advice and information on Domestic Abuse, how to report it and links to partner support helplines at:
National Bullying Helpline
National Bullying Helpline is a charitable organisation offering help and support for adults, children and parents struggling with bullying issues.
Kidscape is a national charity which provides children, families, carers and professionals with advice, training and practical tools to prevent bullying and protect young lives.
BullyingUK is a website provided by charity Family Lives and provides advice, resources and support to help people of any age who may be experiencing bullying.
Anti-Bullying Alliance
Anti-Bullying Alliance is a national charity comprising a coalition of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying.
Gloucestershire Counselling Services
Gloucestershire Counselling Services is a charity offering a range of counselling in Gloucestershire and the surrounding area for individuals, couples, children and families, schools and other services.
Switchboard LGBT+
Switchboard LGBT+ provides a one-stop listening service for LGBT+ people on the phone, by email and through instant messaging.
Stonewall provides information and support for LGBT communities and their allies.
Pink Therapy
Pink Therapy has an online directory of therapists who work with people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer or questioning (LGBTIQ), and people who are gender- and sexual-diverse (GSD).
Mermaids helps gender-diverse kids, young people and their families.
LGBT Foundation
The LGBT Foundation is a national charity offering information, advice, and support services, including a Talking Therapies Programme.
Imaan is a charity that supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer or questioning (LGBTQ) Muslims, providing an online forum where people can share experiences and ask for help.
Education Action Challenging Homophobia
Education Action Challenging Homophobia is a charity which provides services to inspire lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans equality.
Parents of Gay and Trans Youth (POGTY)
POGTY is a Gloucestershire support group for parents and carers of young people who are questioning their sexual or gender identity.
Gloscats provides support for the transgender community in Gloucestershire. Find out more here:
GayGlos is a charity which provides support services, education and engagement for Gloucestershire’s LGBTQ+ community.
School Nurses
School Nurses support children and young people aged from 5 to 19 in the community, whether they attend school or not.
Hope House
For information about services available, STI’s, contraception, HIV, pregnancy and sexual assault.
Winston’s Wish
Winston’s Wish is a national childhood bereavement charity which provides practical and emotional support for children, young people and those who care for them after the death of a parent or sibling.
The Compassionate Friends
The Compassionate Friends supports bereaved parents and their families. is a charity which supports young people aged 14-19 impacted by self-harm and provides information and a moderated discussion board where you can ask questions and get support
National Self Harm Network
National Self Harm Network is a national charity offering support, advice and advocacy services to people affected by self-harm directly or in a care role.
Harmless is a sponsored organisation which provides a range of services about self-harm including support, information to people who self-harm, their friends and families.
Cirencester Eating Disorders Self-Help Group
Cirencester Eating Disorders Self-Help Group is part of a network of support groups all over the country coordinated by Beat Eating Disorders.
Stay Alive App
Stay Alive App is a free suicide prevention resource for the UK, from charity Grassroots Suicide Prevention.
Papyrus Prevention of Young Suicide
A national charity which provides confidential support and practical advice for any children and young people under the age of 35 who may be having suicidal thoughts.
YoungMinds Is a national charity for children and young people who need mental health support.
SupportLine is a charity which provides a confidential telephone helpline offering emotional support to any individual on any issue.
Shout is a 24/7 text service, supported by digital mental health charity, Mental Health Innovations.
Samaritans is a charity providing non-judgemental listening support to anyone.
Rethink Mental Illness
Rethink Mental Illness is a charity which offers practical help and information for anyone affected by mental illness
MindEd for Families
Free, practical information to help you to understand your child and support them through whatever they are going through.
Childline is a national free, private and confidential service for children and young people under the age of 19 where you can talk about anything big or small with trained counsellors.
ChatHealth offers support to young people aged between 11 – 19 with questions relating to a wide range of health and wellbeing issues
Young Gloucestershire (YG)
Young Gloucestershire (YG) is a charity that supports young people who are facing very difficult times.
On Your Mind Glos (OMYG)
On Your Mind Glos is a website providing information about to bullying, eating disorders and anxiety and where you can go for more support.
School nurses
School Nurses support children and young people aged from 5 to 19 in the community, whether they attend school or not.
Gloucestershire Recovery in Psychosis Team (GRiP)
An early intervention service for people aged between 14 and 65 who are at risk of, or who is experiencing a first episode of psychosis.
Community Autism Support and Advice (CASA)
For support or more information, call 01452 317 460 and ask for a member of the Autism Team.
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
Previously named CYPS, provides specialist NHS mental health services for children and young people, their families and carers who are experiencing moderate to severe mental health difficulties, from birth to their 18th birthday. Find out more about the...
Child Friendly Gloucestershire
A new initiative which aims to build a brighter future for young people in the county.

Ask for help if you need it
It can be hard to know where to turn when we’re struggling with our mental health but support is available, from NHS and council-commissioned services to local and national charities. Many services are free, confidential, and you can access them yourself without a referral from a professional.
Support for carers
Find out what support is available to you.
Support for children, young people and families
There is a wide range of support for children, young people and families in the county.
Support for older age groups
More information about additional support that is available for older people locally and nationally.
Support for ethnic minorities
Support for LGBTQ+ communities
Getting help with issues you're struggling to deal with on your own is one of the most important things you can do
Support for veterans
If you think you or your partner may be experiencing mental health difficulties, you can get expert help
Your health and wellbeing
The past year has been a particularly challenging time for everyone but whatever you’re worried about, please reach out for support – help is available
Contact us
If you can’t find what you are looking for, please get in touch to let us know what mental health support information would be useful to you at this time